
This article is focused on the role of air blower in Aquaculture.
Various research organizations are continuously working to upgrade aquaculture production techniques so as to enable farmers to get higher yield. Research in allied areas of aquaculture such as breeding, larvae rearing, feed, diseases control, aquafarm management, transportation packaging is being done to optimize aqua farming, for higher profitability.
Aeration system has played the most important role in the context of semi-intensive and intensive systems of aquaculture.
Air blower has been proven to be the most efficient and economic tool for aeration which lead to realization of higher yields per unit area.

1. The table gives solubility of oxygen in fresh water, at sea level, for different water temperature.
2. An evident from the table, oxygen solubility drops with increase in temperature. 
3. Similarly with salinity also there is drop in oxygen solubility. For 35 ppt sea water the solubility values of the chart above would reduce by about 15%.